


What Is Stress?

StressWe all experience stress during the course of our lives, it can be helpful at times in getting us to focus, and is an essential part of our psyche.  There is a difference however, in experiencing stress due to a certain situation, or being constantly 'stressed out' and ill.

Stress has been linked to every disease known to man, including heart disease and cancer.  Clearly, it is not a good idea for people to be under stress.  But as human beings, we are going to experience stressful situations.  There is no avoiding this fact. 

Life is way too short to go through it being stressed, and the chances are that you will shorten your lifespan significantly if you continue this way through the daily course of your life.  This is especially poignant, as many of the things which you may be stressed about are probably quite minor, but have been blown up in your mind to be worse than they actually are.

Stress can be pinned to an outside factor, or something that we create in our own heads.  If we're creating self-induced stress, chances are that something from the outside triggered this condition and the resulting response.


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