
5 Great Ways to Reduce Stress

3. Gentle Yoga for Beginners


People all around the world have experienced the benefits of yoga, and even complete beginners can do it. Don't worry that you might not be flexible enough, or that you're too old to start trying.  Yoga has been practiced for centuries, and everyone, young or old, flexible or stiff, can experience the benefits.

Studies have shown that there is an increase in the hormones that the adrenal glands produce when you feel stressed.  When those hormones are lower, your body develops a feeling of calm and relaxation. Regular yoga practice will decrease the levels of these stress hormones, relaxing the body, instilling a feeling of calm.


Technique – Child's Pose:

A great technique for beating stress, the child's pose is a forward bend and a resting position. You can perform this pose to stretch out your lower back which is a reservoir for stress related tension.



Step 1

Kneel on the floor (with a yoga mat if possible) with your legs together and sit back upon your heels. Place your arms down on your thighs.




Step 2

Place your hands on the floor in front of you and begin to lean forward.


Pose3Step 3

Keep leaning forward until your chest rests on your thighs and your forehead on the floor. Push your shoulders down and put your hands palm up next to your feet. Relax and take five breaths.



The breathing used in yoga greatly contributes to a state of calm. This results in a mind-body connection that has far-reaching effects. There are many yoga poses that can be of help individually, but a more integrated, regular yoga practice, with the inclusion of meditation, can release the unhealthy attachments we have to our worries, problems, or fears.


A Further Recommended Yoga Practice

Try these poses as best you can, but never strain or cause yourself pain. It takes time, but with practice it will get easier.





Forward fold

Hold the pose for two minutes or more.







Expands the chest, giving elasticity to the lungs.






Strengthens the legs, opens the chest, and stimulates the abdominal organs, lungs, and thyroid.




All these, and many more effective yoga poses, are covered in greater detail in our guide: ‘Meditation & Yoga for Beginners’, which is included in our Expert-Help Pack: How to Crush Stress... Completely! Professional guidance to get you back to yourself again.


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