
5 Great Ways to Beat Depression

4. How to Acquire a Positive Mental Attitude


LotusHave you ever noticed that some people seem to be able to roll with the punches and stay optimistic despite their circumstances, whereas others are pessimists and experience more difficulty coping?  What is it that makes some people withstand life's circumstances and resultant stress better than others around them?

One of the biggest differences is how they think about and perceive the situation.  It helps to learn to put a positive spin on things and apply some positive-thinking methods to situations that come up.hhh


Positive-thinking methods:

Do the Things That You Love Doing

Make a list of some things you want to do. They can be very simple things like walking on the beach, having dinner with a friend, or reading a good book, but taking time out for yourself is important.


Be Patient

Patience is a very important attribute to have. By being patient, you will be able to identify the best resolution to your problem, and you will get to take pleasure from the benefits it will give you in the long run.


Be Organized

In order to be less stressed and always maintain that good positive outlook in life, you need to learn how to organize your life properly. You can create a list of all the important tasks which need to be done immediately, followed by things to be done over the next few weeks or months, then finishing off with your long term goals.


Stay Healthy

Regular exercise and proper diet will really help you to maintain a stable mood pattern. Uncontrollable mood swings can cause utter misery, and will greatly affect your judgment. A good way to get started is to simply lay off the junk food. Save it for a treat only. Once a week at the most.


Start Your Day with an Open Mind

Start your day right by focusing on the positive events that may happen on that day.  Negative thoughts can start you off on the wrong foot, and will cloud your decision making processes. Keeping an open mind maintains a healthy perspective, and will strengthen your wellbeing.


Try to find the positive in every situation

If your best friend/neighbor is moving, you can choose to feel sorry for yourself.  Instead, try to think of it from a positive angle.  For example, this may be a great opportunity to meet a new neighbor, who could also become a very good friend of yours.  Or perhaps the new neighbor will have children that are the same ages as yours.


Don't perform negative self-talk

Our heads are filled with thoughts all day.  Listen to your thoughts to determine if you routinely think negative or positive thoughts.

  • Examples of negative self-talk include: “You can't do that”,
    “That's too hard”, “You're not smart enough”.
  • Examples of positive self-talk include: “I can try that”,
    “I can figure it out”, “I'm smart so I know I can do this”.


Learn to recognize and stop negative self-talk, and replace it with positive self-talk.  It may take a bit of getting used to, but having more positive thoughts will lead to a more positive attitude.  As a result, it just becomes easier to handle things and stress is lessened.



Thirty more vital ways of thinking positively can be found in our guide:
30 Essential Tips on Being Positive – For Depression’, which is included in our Expert-Help Pack: How to Crush Depression... Completely! Professional guidance to get you back to yourself again.


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